In Bilbao hat sich eine Gruppe von jungen Leuten zusammengefunden, um Minderheitensport, unter anderem auch Schlagball zu spielen. Über einen Kontakt nach Mülheim wurden kurzerhand Informationen und Material bezogen und los ging es. Es fand sogar bereits ein kleines Turnier zweier Teams mit Hin- und Rückspiel am Strand von Bilbao statt. Als Sieger ging daraus das Team „Eman gogor“ gegen „Bizkaitarrak“ mit einem schlanken 7:5 und 2:3 nach Punkten hervor.
So stellen sich die Basken vor:
Schlagball in Basque Country
In Bilbao (Basque Country) we have made 2 teams of Schlagball. One is “Bizkaitarrak”. In that team Egoitz, the organizator of diferent sports and boardgames tournaments, plays in that team. His teammates are David, Jacob…They are nice men who love boardgames, but also strange sports and to play to any sport outdoor.
The other team´s name is “Eman gogor”. The meaning is “Hit it hard”. In that team some friends of us play. Felipe or Mikel are very good with the bat and most of them run well so it will be dificult to beat them. We will gather 2-4 times during the year and basically we will play against each other. If we encourage more players we will try to make the third team of Schlagball in Bilbao.
In my case, I love minority sports, I mean, I like sports that are not very well known, because it is a way to promote that new sport from the beginning. Besides, many of these sports are so funny and interesting. I like bat games and when I discovered Schlagball I realized that we would have a great time playing it on the beach.
2 years ago we registered in the Basque government a cultural association called “Basque Association of Beach Tennis and Minority Sports” with two goals. First of all, play and promote minority sports in Bilbao and second try to represent Basque Country worldwide. With schlagball we could achieve both goals.
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